
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of improving the mechanism of taking into account the public interests of society in the formation of strategy and tactics of state economic policy of Ukraine. Methodology. The research methodology consists of general and special methods of scientific knowledge, in particular: comparative, system-structural, formal-logical methods: deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis. Their use allowed to analyze the researched issues in the unity of its legal form and social content, as well as to systematically and consistently approach the disclosure of the objectives of the study. Results. The first section of the article defines the conditions for taking into account the public interest in the formation of strategy and tactics of state economic policy of Ukraine. The conditions under which public interest is born have been studied. Specified requirement regarding the validity of the interest. Criteria for the erroneous interests of implementation, which are impossible in general or in the near future, are defined separately. Emphasis is placed on the variability of public interests, as well as the fact that public administration is the entity that accumulates public interests. The second section of the article is devoted to the degree of consideration of public interest in the formation of the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030. The third section of the article is devoted to determining the guidelines for the development of strategic planning of state economic policy of Ukraine. Conclusions. The conclusions to the article state that the state economic policy of Ukraine should be formed with due regard for the public interests of society in this area. They should become the central reference point in the formation of economic strategy and tactics. It is proposed to introduce in Ukraine a mechanism similar to the one existing in the economically developed EU member states of accumulation of such interests, which is based on the dialogue between civil society institutions and the state in the face of public administration.

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