
Possibilities and prospects of introduction of the concept of strategy and tactics of political and legal development into scientific circulation are analyzed. The analytical substantiation of the basic concepts accompanying it is carried out. The implemented comprehensive political and legal approach allowed to generalize, systematize and optimize the information concerning formation of strategy and tactics of political and legal development of the state and society in modern Ukraine. Some important areas of strategy and tactics development in this context are outlined, such as: mobile response to national security challenges (in modern globalization the concept of «national security» is understood broadly and goes far beyond the activities of special services); interaction of government and civil society (strategic planning of interaction between government and civil society is important to ensure the democratic development of the state and the effective development of certain areas of political and legal development); modernization of the administrative-territorial system (regional and local strategies are becoming increasingly popular in Ukraine in connection with the large-scale national decentralization program); increasing the effectiveness of legal policy in the information sphere (the future depends on the state’s ability to develop and implement an effective information policy, especially given the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and other European countries); political and legal support for the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language (given the current realities, when the Ukrainian language is not used by a large part of the population in everyday practice, the protective function should be used to protect the state language). It is concluded that the strategy and tactics of political and legal development at the present stage of democratic progress of Ukraine should become an important component of the formation of the overall strategy of national development. And this, in turn, involves the separation and proper theoretical and practical support of the spheres of state and public life, which will be covered by this strategy. Political and legal planning provides for clear coordination of individual strategic programs, continuity of the strategy process and verifiability of its results. The actors in the strategy must be clearly defined in terms of their roles, powers and responsibilities. The strategy in the political and legal sphere should contain the possibility of constant updating, improvement, addition.

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