
The paper discusses the theoretical aspect of the formation of a multi-level model of clustering and innovative development of Russian regions. The purpose of the work is to identify a set of factors that affect the effectiveness and efficiency of these processes to work out an integrated approach in their regulation. The object of the study is the pecu-liarities of the functioning of cluster formations on the territory of the regions of the Russian Federa-tion. The formation and development of clusters of the entities of the Russian Federation is influenced by a combination of factors of macro- (federal dis-tricts), meso- (entities of the Russian Federation) and micro-levels (local production systems and in-dividual enterprises). Development tools for each of them are highlighted. A structural and logical scheme of a multi-level model of clustering and in-novative development of Russian regions has been developed. The functions of state authorities and local self-government within the cluster policy are defined: mediation, infrastructure, regulatory. It is summarized that the presented multi-level model has a promising potential of methodological foun-dations for managing the processes of transfor-mation of the economic space of regions, the main elements of which are the zones of clustering of production.

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