
In article research results specific factors internal and external environment that influence the strategic development of barrier-free (accessible disability) tourism in Russia. Highlights the key factors having the greatest impact on the prospects for the development of barrier-free (accessible disability) tourism at the regional level, and the author's assessment of their influence is given. It is revealed that the greatest negative impact on development of barrier-free (accessible disability) tourism at regional level have: insufficiently effective and worked standard legislative base in the field of available tourism (including in the organization of the adaptive environment, support of the enterprise structures rendering services in BT and consumers of services BT), unsuitable for urban and tourist infrastructure to reception of tourists with limited mobility and other defects of health, lack of systems of marketing and advertizing of services BT, and as a result, limited supply and demand in the market of tourist services (including absence of the Uniform coordination center on regional level concerning the provision of consulting services for accommodation, travel and other services for disabled people and people with reduced mobility). Purpose: Research and assessment influence of the factors affecting the strategic development of barrier-free tourism, the definition of the problems and perspectives of development of barrier-free tourism in Russia at the regional level. Methodology: In the course of the research was used in the research literature devoted to the problems of the regional development of tourism, as well as to identify factors influencing the development of tourism. General scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, the system approach. Results: The results of the research is the author's assessment of the impact of factors on the development of a barrier-free tourism at the regional level in Russia, which helps to highlight the problems and perspectives of development of this type of tourism in Russia. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2013-9-14

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