
The present article draws attention to the fact that modern parish educational activities, in addition to a narrowly specialized orientation, can become an additional, replenishing and enriching resource for the general school education in terms of spiritual and moral upbringing of children and their harmonious development when changing pedagogical approaches to the organization of the educational process. It is noted that Sunday schools today are experiencing a crisis of children's and especially teenagers' departure from Sunday schools and, as a result, from the church. In this regard, it is proposed to seek and use all the opportunities and resources of parish activities in order to create an interesting, enriching event space, which includes children, parents, teachers and clergy. The eventfulness, which is created due to jointly divided activities, meets the needs of adolescents, taking into account their age-related psychological.The article substantiates the opinion that innovative educational technologies (creative workshops, experimental laboratories, bibliodramas, hagiodramas, educational pilgrimage, etc.) contribute to the creation of eventfulness. Active interaction with objects of the surrounding world, personally significant interactivity, cooperation and dialogical communication of participants, emotional experience from joint discoveries and obtained results, the possibility of feedback - can be considered as significant advantages of such technologies.This paper, as sharing of experience, presents a description of two creative workshops for teenagers and Sunday school teachers and notes their educational, upbringing and developmental potential. However, to make educational technologies an effective means for achieving the priority goal of the parish education - spiritual development and growth of children in faith, it is necessary to observe certain pedagogical conditions, which are indicated in the presented article.The determined pedagogical conditions impose special requirements on the teaching staff engaged in the educational activities at the parish.This article contains references to other articles by the author that will help to form a comprehensive understandung of pedagogical views on the problem of parish care of children in modern realities and may prove useful for teachers in the organization of educational and upbringing activities at the parish.

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