Background. Th e study is devoted to cultural specifi city of the personality value sphere, and from the point of view of its level — explicit and implicit structure. Th e novelty of the study lies in the appeal to inaccessible and practically unexplored implicit levels of value presentation, whereas most studies research deals exclusively with the approximate levels of their presentation.Objective of the study is a cross-cultural comparison of the structure of the value sphere of the individual from the point of view of its implicit and explicit level on the example of Russian and Uzbek culture. Methods. Th e following methods were used: the refi ned S. Schwartz PVQ method, M. Etkind’s color test of relationships. Sample. 190 subjects took part in the study — 86 people of Uzbek culture and 104 of Russian culture. Results. Th e study showed a signifi cant coincidence of the leading and insignifi cant values of both cultures at the explicit level. Th e explicit diff erences are as follows: despite the leading nature, less signifi cant in the Uzbek sample compared to the Russian were such values as independence of actions, independence of thought, personal security, well-being in interpersonal relations, tolerance for other people, and more signifi cant — life pleasures, reputation, public safety, responsibility to the loved ones. At the implicit level, the diff erences between cultures are less manifested, the following values are more signifi cant on the Russian sample: diverse life experience, public safety. More signifi cant the Uzbek sample is the responsibility to loved ones. Cross-cultural diff erences of some values are signifi cantly evident at both levels. Th ese are public safety (Uzbek subjects have higher signifi cance at the explicit level and lower at the implicit level than Russians) and responsibility to loved ones (higher in Uzbek subjects at both levels). Public safety has shown to be implicitly insignifi cant value to both cultures. Practical application of the results. Th e results can be applied in the joint training and professional activities organization of representatives of diff erent cultures.
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