
A goniomicroscope, which permits measurements of directions of normals to facets with an area as small as 10×10 μ2, was applied to the determination of orientation of small grains of several metals and alloys and to crystallographic studies of surface planes of iron and zinc oxide whiskers and of twin bands on 3% silicon-iron. In order to determine orientations of small grains of metals, some new etchants were developed in order to produce uniformly distributed micropits, which consisted of some crystallographic facets with low indices. By measuring the normals to the facets of the micropits, the crystallographic orientation of the small region where the pits were embeded could be determined within the accuracy of 1 degree. Shapes of whiskers having prismatic flat surfaces were determined by the goniomicroscope and the orientations of the whisker crystals were also determined by an X-ray Laue technique. Side faces of square prismatic iron whiskers were found to be {100} planes and those of hexagonal prismatic zinc oxide whiskers were {1\bar100} planes. Surface serrations of twin bands on 3% silicon-iron were found to be composed of two sets of small facets; B1, B2 and C1, C2. Intersections of the specimen surface and one set of the small facets were parallel to {110} planes and intersections of twin band surface and another set of the small facets were parallel to {110} planes in the twin crystal.

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