
The formation of fiber flax yield and quality parameters depends on many soil-climatic, breedinggenetic, as well as anthropogenic factors. The quality of flax fiber is a combination of a number of features and properties that depend on the varietal characteristics of plants, the conditions of their cultivation, technologies for harvesting and straw retting, as well as on the processing modes of raw materials. During plant vegetation (90-130 days) many factors such as soil conditions (pH 4.8-5.5, humus 1.8-2.5%, P2O5 and K2O – 150-200 and 100-200 mg/kg, respectively) and the area of plant nutrition (15-30 million seeds/ha), temperature regime (the sum of active temperatures 1000-1800ºC), water supplying (400-430 units of water mass to create 1 unit of dry matter) and insolation (the arrival of FAR during the growing season 20-25 kcal / cm²), contamination of weeds (more than 60 annual and perennial species) and pests (more than 200 types of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases), features of phytosanitary measures (more than 50 chemicals) and agrotechnologic manners (Federal Register of technologies for the production of crop products) have a great influence on the quality of flax raw materials and can be a limit factor. Environmentally hazardous pollution of air, water and soil - the main components for the production of fiber flax – strongly affects the yield and quality of flax products. The development of waste-free environmentally friendly technologies for the cultivation, harvesting and processing of flax is an urgent task of scientific support of the industry. The main environmental factors affecting the yield and quality of fiber flax are discussed in the article.

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