
Studies to assess the effect of foliar top dressing of flax with a silicon-containing preparation Controlfit were conducted on different backgrounds of mineral fertilizers in conditions of sod-podzolic medium loamy soil. The experiment was carried out in 2019-2021 on the field of a Separate subdivision of the Smolensk Research Institute of the Federal State Budget Research Institution – Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops. The object of the study was a new variety of flax Phoenix, bred by Smolensk breeders. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the yield of flax varied greatly over the years of the study, depending on weather conditions. On average, over 3 years of research, the highest yield of flax seeds was obtained on the variant with the maximum dose of mineral fertilizers N48P48K48 and amounted to 6.4 c/ha (83% of the control). Foliar top dressing with Controlfit did not change or even reduced the yield of flax seeds, as it led to the production of lighter seeds and fewer boxes on plants. The combined use of mineral fertilizers increased the yield of flax by 27-66%. The treatment of flax plants with the preparation Controlfit additionally increased the yield of straw by 31%. The effect of mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on the formation of long flax fiber, increasing its yield by 1.2 times relative to the control without fertilizers. Additional treatment of plants with Controlfit increased this indicator by 10-11%. The strength of flax fiber threads increased by 16% with an increase in the dose of mineral fertilizers and by 23% with the use of foliar fertilizing.

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