
In the materials of the article, attention is focused on researching the prerequisites for the formation and means of modern implementation of remote employment in the conditions of globalization. The basics of the impact of globalization on the growth of remote employment in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular have been studied. Emphasis is placed on the indicators of globalization and the importance of its impact on the performance of national economies and trends in the development of the modern labor market in conditions of economic turbulence. The list of problems that accompany the spread of remote employment in Ukraine and a number of reasons that determine the objectivity of its large-scale use are highlighted. An analysis of the types of forms and methods of remote employment was carried out. The main professions that have a high degree of adaptation to the remote form of employment both in Ukraine and abroad are highlighted. To determine the impact of globalization on the labor market, the positive and negative consequences of globalization movements in the world economic space are determined. It was revealed that the objective response of the economic system and its social and labor component to the challenges of dynamic changes is the transformation of employment. It is noted that among the factors producing an increase in demand specifically for atypical employment, the following should be highlighted: the active development of the knowledge economy against the background of the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the strengthening of global competition; significant expansion of the service sector and increased flexibility of the labor market. It was determined that remote employment creates a number of new problems. In particular, the concept of a "normal" workplace and "normal" working hours, which have developed in the conditions of traditional industrial employment, are losing their meaning. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the Ukrainian labor market is under the sufficient influence of globalization processes taking place in the national economic space. When writing the article, the methods of expert assessments, analysis and synthesis, logical and historical methods were used.

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