
The article presents the historical path of the formation and development of pedagogical education in Romania and Ukraine through a comparative retrospective analysis. And this research is due to the fact that the formation of the system of professional training of teachers in each country has its own historical path, which is determined by political, social, economic, cultural factors, as well as national and world traditions. And since today, the Ukrainian state is in the conditions of adaptation to the requirements of the common European educational space, it is very important to study the experience of professional training of future teachers in foreign countries, in particular, the neighboring country of Romania, which has a long historical and political ties with Ukraine, in order to improve the educational system of teacher education. The article also focuses on the importance of using a systems approach when conducting a comparative study. Because it is the use of a systematic approach that makes it possible to identify the theoretical basis of higher pedagogical education in each studied country and explore its main characteristics, such as: the system of management of higher educational institutions, the main legislative acts, documents, current reforms in the organization of the educational process, the types of educational institutions that implement professional training of teachers, leading universities in the field of training pedagogical personnel (general characteristics, student population, curricula.) Based on the study of scientific works, documents, Internet resources, a comparative analysis was made and five main historical stages in the development of higher pedagogical education characteristic of Romania and Ukraine from the emergence of pedagogical thought to the present (Ist stage – until the middle of the 19th century – Genesis, IInd stage – 20s of the XIX – 90s of the XX century. The stage of the emergence of the first educational institutions and the centralized education system; IIIrd stage – 90s of the XX century – the beginning of the XXIst stage of the creation of national systems of higher education in the post-Soviet period; IVth stage – the beginning of the XXIst century (2005–2019) stage of globalization-civilizational transformations; Vth stage – from 2019 to the present. Distance-digital stage). A brief description of these stages is provided. Common features and differences are identified. The transformation processes that contributed to the formation of higher education in Romania and Ukraine are revealed.

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