
Statement of the problem. The article substantiates the importance of systematic work on the development of social emotions among senior preschool children of 5-7 in preschool educational institutions (daycare centers) and the family. Theoretical examples of practices in various areas of patriotic education are given. The purpose of the article is to characterize the representation of social emotions of senior preschool children and to reveal the features of their development in the conditions of a preschool institution and family using the resources of the theme on World War II (WWII). The research methodology consists of the following theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization of scientific ideas; empirical methods: psychodiagnostic methods (interrogative, experimental); mathematical methods of data processing. Research methods include Observation of the art process among preschoolers on a military topic, analysis of their creative works. Questionnaire survey of preschool educators on the issues of methodological preparation for the implementation of educational activities with preschool children on WWII [Aleksandrova, Gordeeva, Postnikova, 2007]. Questionnaire survey of parents of pupils attending preschool educational institutions on WWII [Barannikova, 2007]. Research results. In the period of senior preschool age, the formation of emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society occurs, the process of self-awareness in the world begins. All categories of subjects showed interest in the WWII theme, which indicates intergenerational relations in the direction of knowledge transfer and the formation of a value attitude to the homeland. The features of displaying social emotions (such as pride, empathy and sympathy) by senior preschool children are revealed. Attitude to victory and the severity of social emotions in the drawings of senior preschoolers have differences; their completeness and orientation are expressed in the plot, mood of the drawings, compositional features and the colors used. Teachers are aware of the importance of patriotic parenting and the importance of emotional impact in this process. The subject-development environment, social technologies of patriotic education, and immersion in the patriotic chronology of the events of the war years contribute to the formation of respect for the mother tongue in children of preschool age, pride in the achievements of their country, pride in their homeland. Parents pride in the WWII heroes, respectful attitude to the historical past of their country, to traditions, customs and understanding of historical actions. These aspects of the people’s culture should be paid special attention and given high importance for patriotic education in the family. Conclusion. The systematic educational activity is important for the families and preschool educational institutions to develop social emotions in older preschool children. Knowledge of the conditions for development of social emotions in institutions of preschool education and the family, technology of patriotic education play an important role in the emotional development of older children.

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