
Dialect language as one of the main forms of the national language, which accumulates and reflects the linguistic and spiritual code of the people, its ethnic identity, is in the center of attention of linguists. Today dialects are perceived and evaluated as a phenomenon of natural functioning of language, a source of enrichment of literary language, knowledge of the ethnopsychology of the speaker, the study of historical language processes. One of the means of identifying a person in the information space is the emphasis, which is presented as a separate section in the ancient Ukrainian grammars of the XVI century. Some aspects of dialectal stress have sporadically attracted the attention of linguists in phonetic and morphological aspects. Their works, in which the peculiarities of speech in general and emphasis in particular are considered with varying completeness, serve as a reliable source in further research. A large, qualitatively new empirical base of Ukrainian dialectology has been created to date, which is the basis for the formulation and solution of complex linguistic issues, including the creation of a cadastre of dialectal phenomena and their scientific interpretation; implementation of comparative and historical-typological analysis of dialectal phenomena in national and Slavic contexts. The algorithm of research of dialectal stress is presented in the studio; stepwise analysis of mobility / immobility of accents of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals in Ukrainian religious speech has been illustrated. The analysis of the dialect material presented in various sources made it possible to single out nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, which differentiate and integrate the Ukrainian dialect continuum in word change, word formation. It was found that the common accentuation feature in the Ukrainian dialect space is the presence of each of these accent types; differentiation lies in the repertoire and in the fullness of the accent type. Integration-differential features in the Ukrainian dialect space in the word-changing paradigm of nouns are the emphasis of individual nouns, their forms. The proposed scheme of analysis of dialectal stress will help the researcher to systematize, classify the collected material. In the article it is impossible to give a complete list of words that differentiate the Ukrainian dialect space on the basis of emphasis. The given list of words is open. It is hoped that in the future it will be supplemented with tokens of different grammatical classes, as one of the urgent tasks of Ukrainian dialectologists is to create a cadastre of such words and phenomena that differentiate the Ukrainian dialect continuum.


  • Одним із засобів ідентифікації людини в інформаційному просторі є наголос, який представлений як окремий розділ у давніх українських граматиках XVI ст., зокрема: зокрема: «Грамматіка доброглаголиваго еллино-словенскаго язика», яку написали учні Львівської братської школи під керівництвом митрополита Арсенія (1591), «Грамматіка словенска» Л

  • Integration-differential features in the Ukrainian dialect space in the word-changing paradigm of nouns are the emphasis of individual nouns, their forms

  • In the article it is impossible to give a complete list of words that differentiate the Ukrainian dialect space on the basis of emphasis

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Одним із засобів ідентифікації людини в інформаційному просторі є наголос, який представлений як окремий розділ у давніх українських граматиках XVI ст., зокрема: зокрема: «Грамматіка доброглаголиваго еллино-словенскаго язика», яку написали учні Львівської братської школи під керівництвом митрополита Арсенія (1591), «Грамматіка словенска» Л. У студії подано алгоритм дослідження діалектного наголошування; поетапно окреслено аналіз рухомості / нерухомості наголосу іменників, прикметників, займенників, числівників в українському говірковому мовленні. Поданого в різноаспектних джерелах, дав змогу виокремити іменники, прикметники, займенники, числівники, які за ознакою наголошування диференціюють й інтегрують український діалектний континуум у словозміні, словотворенні.

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