
The article substantiates the criteria for expert measurement of the investment and innovation attractiveness of regions in the post-war transformation of Ukraine, which are the basis of a multi-component assessment methodology focused on a marketing approach to understanding the issues of formation and development of the attractiveness of the region. It is emphasized that traditionally investment attractiveness is inseparable from innovative attractiveness, but each of them is an independent economic category - with its own goals, factors, signs, characteristics, assessment methods, formation and development mechanisms. The need to apply a multi-component method of assessing the attractiveness of the region, which involves the assessment of statistical indicators, expert assessment of qualitative criteria of attractiveness, which specify and more adequately characterize the attractiveness of the region for defined target audiences, and marketing research, the directions of which are determined by the problems of target audiences, has been confirmed. It is proposed to include an additional index «Index of damage and destruction caused to regions and communities during a full-scale invasion and needs for reconstruction and development» in the methodology for assessing the region's investment attractiveness in the statistical assessment block, which should be filled with relevant indicators in the future. It is noted that the objectively existing characteristics of the region are not always a measure of its investment potential, so it is necessary to take into account the subjective factor in the process of making an investment decision, that is, its expert dimension. It was concluded that the marketing approach to the investment attractiveness of the region and its expert assessment will allow taking into account the judgments, ideas, preferences and opinions of specialists in regional studies, business representatives, regional and public leaders, scientists, decision-makers, etc., who have official, unofficial, sometimes with hidden information about the manifestation of the characteristic features of the region, etc.

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