
Objective: to consider the theory of national security as a methodological basis for the study of corruption.Methods: dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena, allowing to analyze them in the historical development and functioning in the context of a set of objective and subjective factors, which determined the choice of the following research methods: formal-logical, comparative-legal, sociological.Results: the paper investigates the basic approaches to corruption counteraction and presents the typology of anti-corruption strategies: a) inert strategy; b) selective strategy; c) agreement strategy; d) zone strategy; e) regional strategy; e) strategy of total purification of society from corruption. The inert strategy does not provide for effective anti-corruption measures. The selective strategy differs from the inert one only in that ineffective anti-corruption measures are combined with selective prosecution of some high-ranking officials. The agreement strategy is based on the state leadership’s an explicit or veiled agreement with the political and economic elite of the country on the corruption limits, going beyond which may entail liability. The zonal strategy is based on a significant cleansing of certain spheres of social life from corruption manifestations (the sphere of state security, the sphere of defense, some industries, etc.).The regional strategy involves a significant cleansing of certain regions from corruption (districts, regions, territories, republics). In a certain perspective, the regional strategy can be considered as a preparatory phase for the implementation of the strategy of total purification of society from corruption. The strategy of total purification of society from corruption is the way to the social ideal. Its implementation requires certain social preconditions, political will and political art. Anti-corruption practice based on the strategy of total purification of society from corruption is determined by a certain socio-political logic. Scientific novelty: for the first time, the paper examines the fundamental strategies of social corruption counteraction and their typology, analyzes the algorithm of state corruption counteraction, the factors of corruption counteraction efficiency, and predicts the prospects of anti-corruption activities of state bodies and civil society.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and educational activities in considering the issues related to corruption counteraction.

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