
The article examines the problem of the presence of clip thinking in a social group of young people-students. The novelty of the research lies in the question of the need for an interdisciplinary study of clip thinking as a biological, social and humanitarian phenomenon, and the priority in determining the essence of this phenomenon should be given to the cognitive sciences. The analysis of the results of methodological innovations of modern researchers reveals the charm of clip thinking as a new cognitive style and the presence of imperative recommendations on the transformation of the format of educational technologies in the direction of its adaptation to this mass phenomenon. The author of the article questions the thesis about the need to switch to teaching methods in higher education that take into account the peculiarities of clip thinking. The methodological basis for the study was: the concept of the theory of generations by N. Howe and W. Strauss, the concept of conceptual thinking by L.S. Vygotsky, the concept of cognitive styles by M.A. Kholodnaya, the concept of clip thinking by K.G. Frumkin. The results of the study (on the example of students of the FEFU Law School) show that it is wrong to apply the clip thinking model as the leading basic generational characteristic to Russian students a priori. Students are a differentiated community in which there is a variety of cognitive styles in individuals, including a wide distribution of the most productive of them – the conceptual-logical. In this regard, the author comes to the conclusion that educational technologies in higher education should combine methods that accumulate ways of reflecting reality in visual-figurative and verbal-logical expression, create an educational space in which to demonstrate ways of translating clip thinking into conceptual thinking and teach such refocusing, while it is necessary to teach students to use both cognitive styles and effectively switch between them, depending on the type of cognitive tasks associated with working with information.


  • The article examines the problem of the presence of clip thinking in a social group of young people-students

  • The novelty of the research lies in the question of the need for an interdisciplinary study of clip thinking as a biological, social and humanitarian phenomenon, and the priority in determining the essence of this phenomenon should be given to the cognitive sciences

  • The analysis of the results of methodological innovations of modern researchers reveals the charm of clip thinking as a new cognitive style and the presence of imperative recommendations on the transformation of the format of educational technologies in the direction of its adaptation to this mass phenomenon

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Научная статья

ПРОБЛЕМА «КЛИПОВОГО МЫШЛЕНИЯ» В КОНТЕКСТЕ ВЫБОРА МЕТОДИК ОБУЧЕНИЯ СТУДЕНТОВ ВЫСШИХ УЧЕБНЫХ ЗАВЕДЕНИЙ. Автор статьи подвергает сомнению тезис о необходимости перехода в высшей школе на методики обучения, учитывающие особенности клипового мышления. Результаты исследования (на примере обучающихся Юридической школы ДВФУ) показывают, что априори распространять на российское студенчество модель клипового мышления как ведущую базовую поколенческую характеристику ошибочно. В связи с этим автор приходит к выводу, что образовательные технологии в высшей школе должны сочетать в себе методики, аккумулирующие способы отражения действительности в визуально-образном и словесно-логическом выражении, создавать образовательное пространство, в котором демонстрировать способы перевода клипового мышления в понятийное и обучать такой перефокусировке, при этом необходимо научить студентов пользоваться обоими когнитивными стилями и эффективно переключаться между ними в зависимости от типа когнитивных задач, связанных с работой с информацией.

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Тип когнитивноперцептивной деятельности
Неумение концентрироваться на одной задаче в конкретном
Способность к рефлексии как анализу своего познавательного опыта
The author has read and approved the final manuscript
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