
The article discusses the methods of scientific and artistic propaganda (Museum and local history tour, lesson at the exhibition, lecture, conversation with slides). Museum employees at places of temporary storage of monuments carried out educational work among the population. Working with the audience in the Museum serves as a support for the positive state of mind of people in the conditions of intense wartime. Meeting with evacuees collections of art monuments allowed residents of Perm, Gorky, Solikamsk and other regional centers in 1941–1945 to expand their horizons, aesthetically evaluate the famous masterpieces of Russian art, which had a beneficial effect on the entire cultural climate of the provincial society. During the great Patriotic war, the main part of the art collections of the State Russian Museum was evacuated to Molotov (Perm). Paintings, sculptures, works of iconography are placed in the Perm Museum of local lore, in the Trinity Cathedral of Solikamsk. Conducting excursions and consultations at temporary exhibitions, conversations with slides are methods of scientific and educational work. This work was important and necessary for the residents of Perm. The meeting with art organized for visitors of the Museum in Perm by the staff of the Russian Museum provided great spiritual support during the great Patriotic war, which can be regarded as an unprecedented case of aesthetic education of the younger generation and spiritual support of the residents of Perm in wartime conditions. The relevance of the material presented in the article is undeniable. In the last years of the twenty-fi rst century, there have been increasing calls for a review of the role of the Soviet Army in the great Patriotic war (1941–1945). It is necessary to take responsibility for historical truth. The importance of the Victory, which brought liberation from Hitlerism not only to our Homeland, but also to the Western world, is great, and the merits are invaluable. It is necessary to preserve the truth for future generations of residents of the former Soviet space, as well as citizens of other countries. Special importance in the preservation of memory belongs to documentary sources, which include archive materials. Along with them, works of art created during the war or in the first post-war years play an invaluable role in restoring the truth.

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