
Under today’s conditions the system of higher education should gradually but steadily move from the transfer of information to managing educational and cognitive activities of students, to forming their skills of creative independent work. This problem is especially topical for students of artistic specialties, in particular, music students. Their independent work actively influences the nature and quality of educational process throughout the whole period of instruction, underlies artistic education and is an important part of training process. Based on the above, there is a need to reorient the educational process so that professional development of future specialists would be primarily aimed at forming the skills of independent work. The effectiveness of independent work directly depends on the methodology of its organization. It should organically continue classroom work. From the standpoint of management approach to the organization of students’ independent work we understand this category as a purposeful activity of the teacher, ensuring the effective functioning of educational process and development of professional skills of students as the objects of management. The technology of carrying out independent work by the student-musician largely depends on his/her performing skills, as well as command of methods of working on a musical work and methods of processing scientific and scientific-pedagogical sources. The teacher determines the type of independent work (for example, learning musical works of educational or children’s repertoire, scales, etudes, etc.), which is performed by the student, as well as where and how he/she reports on completing tasks for independent work. The system of independent classes should also cover other types of educational performance activities, namely: reading music at sight, transposing, creating variants of artistic interpretation, artistic-pedagogical and performance analysis of musical works, etc. Each of the listed activities has its own specificity and therefore presupposes appropriate forms and methods of independent work. Thus, the effective training of students of artistic specialties should be aimed at forming their ability to independent creative activity, which should become one of the strategic directions of building a qualitatively new system of training.

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