
Purpose. The article assesses the position of the state authorities of the Russian Empire in the field of protecting the population from fires and considers the initiatives taken by the prominent figures in firefighting of the Russian Empire to improve the activities of Fire Service, as well as develop fire legislation and training system for fire departments. The study is aimed at analyzing and evaluating the activities of prominent figures in firefighting of the Russian Empire to improve the fire safety system. The focus of the study is the state policy of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century in the field of fire provision. The subject of our study is the active civic stand taken by prominent figures in firefighting of Russia in the early 20th century in order to draw the attention of state authorities to the dramatic situation the Empire faced due to the increase in the number of devastating fires. Methods. The main study’s methods are the following: the historical method, in which the processes of the dynamics in organizing Fire Service in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries are comprehended, and the historical-systemic method, which made it possible to consider Fire Service as an integral system, in the unity of all its connections and relations, and also as a subsystem of the institutional organization to ensure life protection in the Russian Empire. The study also used an institutional approach. It allows determining, from the standpoint of the concept of institutionalism, how the basic framework of the fire safety system was formed, as well as analyzing the role of the state in the development of fire safety provision, the degree of interest and participation of society representatives in strengthening Fire Service. Findings. Our research is the first to study the problem of ensuring fire safety in Russia in the early 20th century through the prism of the problem “state authorities and society in Russia”. Also for the first time, materials of some specialized periodicals of the early 20th century are introduced into academic circulation. Research application field. The research materials can be applied in scientific papers devoted to the study of Fire Service history, as well as in educational process. Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that thanks to the initiative and efforts of many prominent figures of Russia in the field of fire safety, their high citizenship, professionalism, energy, love for people and devotion to the honorary profession of a firefighter, the main shortcomings in the organization of Fire Safety in the Russian Empire were identified and recommendations for their elimination were given, the main directions for improving the fire safety system were determined and the foundation for development of fire-engineering training in Russia was created.

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