
Purpose. Determining tactical capabilities of a gas and smoke protection unit for operational planning documents developer is an abstract task: it is impossible to understand what smoke divers are capable of during the time of protective action of the breathing apparatus using the existing calculation methodology. Methods. To achieve the goal, analysis of open sources is used in the article as well as methods for calculating operating parameters of gas and smoke protection service, empirical data and mathematical analysis to predict smoke divers’ capabilities in a fire. Findings. An innovative method is proposed for assessing tactical capabilities of a gas and smoke protection service unit. Research application field. The results obtained can be widely used in smoke divers training, in calculating fire extinguishing parameters, as well as in the practical activities of firefighters and experts. Conclusions. Practical application of the method for calculating tactical capabilities of a gas and smoke protection service unit proposed in the article will allow at the stage of working out operational planning documents assessing the possibility of successful rescue operation for people in a fire at a specific facility. If rescuing people according to calculations becomes difficult, appropriate management decisions can be developed in a timely manner to eliminate these problems.

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