
The environmental imperative formation in geographical science is discussed. The concept of society territorial organization is the main component of this process. A consistent change in human security strategies has been demonstrated. The main directions of geographical science participation in the development of modern society’s requests for ecological protection of the environment and the conservation of the Earth landscape shell are discussed. The actual problems overview of the further ecological imperative formation in geographical studies is made: 1) determination of the functional role and environmental place and environmental types of economic activity, structuring of these socio-natural activities; 2) development of the environmental concept, which includes all generalized components of the landscape (geographical) shell; 3) ecological principles and economic policy substantiation; 4) territory planning principles and methodological justification development; 5) anthropogenic-technogenic loads assessment. Emphasized the need for environmental activities in a separate structural unit of the country and regions in the form of social and natural sector economic activities, cross-sectoral environmental complexes and clusters. Proved that the principles of ecological imperative permeate and integrate all the planning area components. Environmental planning aims at its conservation and ecological rehabilitation, rational use of its natural and territorial resources. Resettlement planning is focused on accommodating the population in the most comfortable living conditions, accessibility to places of work and leisure. The planning of economic territorial organization activity should ensure its minimal impact on the nature and ecological safety of the population, as well as maximally efficient use of available natural and socio-economic resources. The problem of anthropogenic-technogenic loads estimation on the territory and methodological substantiation of the anthropogenic-technogenic loads framework is indicated for further development. It is proposed qualitatively and quantitatively characterize anthropogenic-technogenic loads according to the territory planning objects: point - settlements and economic objects; line-network - transport highways and infrastructure communications; areals are areas with different economic uses. The tendency of spatial / territorial approaches strengthening to ecological protection of environment is emphasized and the territorial organization concept of society belongs exclusively to it.

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