
The aim of the study was to establish the territorial patterns of the distribution of reservoirs in administrative regions and river basin districts, to identify the role of large, medium and small reservoirs in the balance of river flow regulation in Ukraine. In Ukraine, there are only 1054 reservoirs, among which there are six large reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade and the Dniester reservoir, and all the remaining 99.3% (1047 reservoirs) belong to the middle (M), small (S) and very small (VS) categories. For convenience, we call this group with the abbreviation MSVS-reservoirs. All reservoirs have a total volume of 55.13 km3. Thus, reservoirs regulate 32% of the total river flow of the country, amounting to 170.3 km3 per year. There are two main patterns of territorial distribution of reservoirs: large reservoirs are located on large rivers (Dnieper and Dniester) and are of national importance; MSVS-reservoirs – were created to provide water to industrial regions (for example, Donetsk, Kharkiv) and have regional or local significance. In terms of the volume of accumulated water, Ukraine is a country of large reservoirs. The six reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade contain 79% of the water, in the Dniester – 6%, in the MSVS-reservoirs – 15%. The volume of reservoirs in the Dnieper cascade is 43.71 km3, which is 82% of the average long-term runoff of the Dnieper (53.5 km3 per year). The operation of the Dniester reservoir (3.0 km3), which was created in the transboundary city of Dniester (Ukraine – Moldova), is carried out taking into account the water management interests of the two countries. MSVS-reservoirs are unevenly distributed over the territory of Ukraine. The largest number of them is concentrated in the arid central and southeastern regions of Ukraine, 45% of the total number of MSVS-reservoirs is located in the region of the river basin Dnieper. The largest total values of the total volume and area of MSVS-reservoirs is in the Odesa region due to the Danube lakes, which have been granted the status of reservoirs. In the use of territorial communities in Ukraine, there are 72% of the MSVS-reservoirs, 28% – leased. Among the regions of Ukraine, most of all are rented MSVS-reservoirs in the Transcarpathian region – 78%. In the Zaporizhye region, 56% of the MSVS-reservoirs are leased, in the Ternopil region – 54%. There are leases of MSVS-reservoirs in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. Low values of the lease indicator were in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (4%), in Kherson (7%), Vinnitsa (8%) and Volyn regions (10% each). Among the regions of river basins, there are more leased MSVS-reservoirs in the regions of the river basins. Southern Bug – 35%, Dnieper – 32%. The minimum rental rate was in the region of the Crimean river basin (4%). There is a lease of MSVS-reservoirs in the area of the river basin. Vistula.

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