
The article describes a new locality of the formed wintering riverbed depression discovered in the erosion zone of the isthmus of conjugate meanders of the Irtysh river for the rational use and effective protection of aquatic biological resources in places of their concentration in the Irtysh river basin (Western Siberia, the Russian Federation. The morphology of the riverbed depression was mapped (relief and bathymetric maps). The maximum depths in the channel depression exceeded 27 m. The channel depression and 4 control river sections were studied. The analysis 
 of hydroacoustic surveys showed that in the wintering riverbed depression there is, according to the statistical data, higher fish density compared to the control areas: in the water area of the riverbed depression the average fish density made 4 524 species/ha, in the control sections 245-2091 sp./ha. The cluster analysis based on the fish density and the size-taxonomic composition of the ichthyofauna has revealed that the riverbed depression is being separated into a cluster, but at the same time goes to the control section No. 4, which is located downstream, where further erosion of the river channel is registered. In this regard, the minimum protection zone of the wintering channel depression should include the water area of the channel depression and the water area of control section No. 4. In the water areas of the riverbed depression and control sections in the spring period, cyprinids dominate - up to 65% of the total number of fish, percids are represented to a lesser extent - 36.76%, coregonids and pikes - up to 18.18, sturgeons - up to 9.31%. The given locality of the wintering riverbed depression must be included in the list of protected river sections of the Fishing Rules for the West Siberian fishery basin for developing the effective strategy for the protection, restoration and rational use of aquatic biological resources, including rare and endangered fish species of the Irtysh River and the whole Ob-Irtysh basin


  • The article describes a new locality of the formed wintering riverbed depression discovered in the erosion zone of the isthmus of conjugate meanders of the Irtysh river for the rational use and effective protection of aquatic biological resources in places of their concentration in the Irtysh river basin

  • The analysis of hydroacoustic surveys showed that in the wintering riverbed depression there is, according to the statistical data, higher fish density compared to the control areas: in the water area of the riverbed depression the average fish density made 4 524 species/ha, in the control sections 245-2091 sp./ha

  • The cluster analysis based on the fish density and the size-taxonomic composition of the ichthyofauna has revealed that the riverbed depression is being separated into a cluster, but at the same time goes to the control section No 4, which is located downstream, where further erosion of the river channel is registered

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Тобольская комплексная научная станция Уральского отделения Российской академии наук, Тюменская обл., Тобольск, Российская Федерация. Иртыш (Западная Сибирь, Российская Федерация) обнаружен и описан локалитет формирующейся зимовальной русловой ямы в зоне размыва перешейка сопряженных меандр реки. В акваториях русловой ямы и контрольных участков в весенний период доминируют карповые рыбы – до 65 % от общего числа рыб, в меньшей степени представлены окуневые – 36,76 %, сиговые и щуковые – до 18,18 %, осетровые – до 9,31 %. Данный локалитет зимовальной русловой ямы необходимо внести в перечень речных участков, охраняемых Правилами рыболовства для Западно-Сибирского рыбохозяйственного бассейна, в целях разработки эффективной стратегии охраны, восстановления и рационального использования водных биологических ресурсов, в том числе редких и исчезающих видов рыб р. В результате выполненных гидроакустических съемок и построения батиметрических карт формирующейся русловой ямы установлено, что в период исследований максимальные отметки глубин составили более 27 м, глубоководная область отмечена в левобережной зоне размыва реки на участке меандр (излучин) при взаимно проникающих потоках

Окуневые Щуковые и сиговые
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