
Tissue components, intraorganic blood vessels and indicators of correlation between the area of these structures in the thymus of 1, 5, 10 and 20 day-old calves were investigated. Newborns calves at birth had different morphofunctional status. Thymic blood vessels are represented as interlobular and intralobular blood vessels as confirmed by other authors. In the cortical portion blood vessels were branching radially, in the medullary portion they formed a polygonal plexus. In 1-day-old calves of average morphofunctional status the area of organ’s parenchyma was less and the area of connective tissue stroma was bigger than in the calves of high status. This indicates the delay of thymus formation as an organ and suppression of its functional activity in calves of average morphofunctional status. In this case, the area of thymic blood vessels of 1-day-old calves of high morphofunctional status was bigger than of average morphofunctional status calves. The area of thymic parenchyma in calves up to 5-days old was increasing, and the area of connective tissue stroma was reducing. Characteristically, the area of parenchyma and stroma in the calves of this age reached the values that calves of high morphofunctional status had. In older calves the area of parenchyma was slightly decreasing and the area of stroma was increasing. Our studies showed that the correlative relationships between the area of blood vessels and tissue components of thoracic part of thymus of calves with different morphofunctional status were variable in the firmness and character. In thoracic part of thymus of 1-day-old calves with high morphofunctional status of the body the correlative relationships between the area of blood vessels and tissue components were tight and reversible. Their firmness was slightly less in calves of medium status. With increasing of calves’ age the correlative relationships changed asynchronously in firmness and character: in 5- and 10-days-old calves they were tight, weak and reversible, and in 20-days-old calves they were tight, positive and reversible.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Our studies showed that the correlative relationships between the area of blood vessels and tissue components of thoracic part of thymus of calves with different morphofunctional status were variable in the firmness and character

  • Organizm kak yedinoye tseloye v individual'nom i istoricheskom razvitii

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Матеріал і методи досліджень

Досліджували тканинні компоненти, внутрішньоорганні кровоносні судини та показники кореляції між площею цих структур у тимусі добових, 5-, 10- і 20добових телят червоної степової породи. Добові телята при народженні були високого (І група) і середнього (ІІ група) морфофункціонального статусу. Морфофункціональний статус телят визначали за 100 бальною тестовою системою (Krishtoforova et al, 2007). Телята віком 5, 10 і 20 діб мали середній статус. При проведені досліджень використовували морфологічні методи (Avtandilov, 1990; Goral's'kiy et al, 2005). Мікроскопічними методами визначали особливості будови паренхіматозно-стромальних компонентів і кровоносних судин. Площу тканинних компонентів і кровоносних судин грудної частини тимуса телят досліджуваних вікових груп телят визначали шляхом крапкового підрахунку.

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