
The article provides information about the fire deaths and fire injuries in the world at the beginning of the XXI century. An estimate of the total number of fire deaths and fire injuries on Earth was made. According to the data of Center of Fire Statistics (CFS) of International Association of Fire and Rescue services (CTIF) total number of fire deaths in the world can be estimated at 100–120 thous. inh. per year and total number of fire injuries at 300–350 thous. inh. per year. CFS CTIF received data from fire services of the countries. The values of the fire death risk (by 54 countries) and fire injury risk (by 43 countries) are presented. It is shown that the fire injury risk is 3–4 times higher than the fire death risk. The data on mortality in the world from fire, heat and hot substances according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is given — an average of 189 thousand people per year (for the period of 2000–2016). A comparison of statistics on the death of people from fire, heat and hot substances according to WHO data and fire deaths according to the CPS CTIF in 35 countries in 2012 and in 17 countries of the world in 2016 was made. The total data set for the countries represented varies by 35–45 %. For the first time, sufficiently reliable estimates of fire deaths and fire injuries in the world were obtained.


  • The article provides information about the fire deaths and fire injuries in the world at the beginning of the XXI century

  • The total data set for the countries represented varies by 35–45 %

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