
The purpose of the study was to determine the features of physical development and level of development of physical qualities of secondary school pupils. Materials and methods. The study involved pupils of Lviv secondary schools. 254 students of 5-8 grades were involved. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet resources was conducted in order to study the problematic issues in physical education of secondary school pupils. Pedagogical testing and anthropometric measurements were used in the study. Tests of physical fitness were conducted, namely to assess the level of speed development the test in running 60 m was used, to assess endurance we used running 1500 m and speed and strength indicators were assessed by standing long jump. Assessment of physical fitness was performed according to T. Yu. Krutsevych methods (index method). The speed index was calculated as the ratio of the schoolchildren height to the result in the 60 m run, the speed-strength index was the ratio of body length to the result in the long jump, the endurance index was the ratio of body length and 1500 m to body weight. Results and conclusion. It was found that most of the anthropometric indicators of students in grades 5-8 meet the standards of physical development of middle school children. It was found that in girls and boys of 5-6 grades significant gender differences in the indicator of physical development were not recorded. The growth rates of boys in grades 7-8 significantly outweighed those of girls. The 8th grade girls had slightly higher weights. For pupils of 5-6 grades, the speed is characterized by an average level of development (3.47-3.56 units in girls and 3.68-3.70 units in boys). Speed and power indicators correspond to the average level of development in boys and girls of the 5th grade (1.08 units, 0.94 units, respectively). The average level of speed and strength indicators (1.13 units) was found in the 6th grade boys, and higher than the average level (1.08 units) in girls. The average level of development of speed, endurance and speed-power indicators was recorded in the 7th grade pupils, except for the boys in the speed-power index, where the results correspond to a lower than average level (1.05 units). The 8th grade girls had an average level of speed development (3.40 units), speed and strength indicators (0.99 units) and a low level of endurance (0.8 units). The 8th grade boys showed an average level of development of speed and power indicators (1.15 units), the level of speed corresponds to the level above average of development (3.90 units), and endurance – below the average level (1.09 units)

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