
The article examines the symbolic and philosophical semantics of the plot structure of the poetic triptych Vyach. Ivanov “Sphinx”, “Gates”, “Worlds of the Possible”. The poetic logic of the connection between these poems is established, the unifying element of which is the concept of the initiatory path, widespread in the intellectual and mystical atmosphere of the early twentieth century. It is proved that the author follows in the footsteps of Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, seeing in him a poet who opens paths in the symbolic and philosophical comprehension of the world. At the same time, however, Vyach. Ivanov also finds his own ways of artistic interpretation of plot twists, deviating from the “Dantean Code”. The idea of the poet’s metaphysical ascent to the Higher spheres of Being is largely embodied by the figure of the hero-narrator, who goes through an initiatory path and as a result of which the unity of the macro and microcosm of the world and man is revealed to him.

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