
State Pedagogical Academy (KuzSPA) has long been the only higher education institution in the Kemerovo region, which trained Sports teaching staff. In 2013 the Ministry of Education decided to reorganize KuzSPA by merging it with Kemerovo State University. That brings the end toa whole epoch connected with the activity of KuzSPA as an independent educational institution in Sports education in the Kemerovo region. This event determined the purpose of our study – to assess the contribution of KuzSPA in training teachers for the needs of sports industry of the Kemerovo region. The research focuses on features of formation and development of higher education in Sports in KuzSPA. The principles of historicism and objectivity constitute themethodological basis of the research. The principle of historicism is applied to analyze the historical reality of teachers’trining in in 1970s – 2010s, describe the development of the Faculty of Physical Culture (FFC) in KuzSPA and evaluatethe results it has achieved. The principle of scientific objectivity helped reveal the objective trends ofKuzSPA FFC development in teachers’ education in Kuzbass. The study found out that KuzSPA made a substantial contribution to training teachers for the needs of sports industry in the Kemerovo region. The data presented in this paper may be used in lectures on of Physical Culture and Sports, General Pedagogics and History of Education, Kuzbass history at higher education institutions of Sports and Teaching profiles.

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