
The natural prerequisites for the development of geological tourism in the Zaporizhzhya region are considered. The structure course of action, which define the essence of the term “geological tourism” edited by Thomas Jose are identified. The definition of the modern concept of “geotourism”, “geotouristic objects”, “geotourists phenomena”. So, the complexity of the geological structure of the territory of Zaporizhzhya region determines the diversity and uniqueness of those geological objects that are related to the category of geological monuments of nature. The region represented by almost all the groups of monuments of stratigraphic, petrographic, mineralogical, geomorphological, tectonic, magmatic and paleontology. The above natural-geographic characteristics indicates high geotouristic potential of Zaporizhzhya region, which contributes directly to the development of geological tourism, a feature which is in the vicinity of geological objects with the aim of understanding the structure and evolution of the earth. In addition, not less important for the development of geological tourism in the region is the presence of numerous mine workings .Significant lever for the development of geological tourism in the region is the formation of a strong base of accommodation facilities near geotouristic objects, which contributes to their popularity. The usage features of mines as sites of geological and extreme tourism objects are recovered. The definition of the notion “geological tourism” is identifies. The main geological attractions of Zaporozhye region are observed, which have become the objects of mass excursion and tourism show. The prospects of geological tourism development in the Zaporizhzhya region analyzed.

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