
In the article, the PEST-analysis method was used to analyze the factors of the external environment for the development of tourism in the Zaporizhzhia region. As a result of the research, the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors of the external environment and their influence on the development of tourism in the Zaporizhzhia region were revealed.Among the political factors that can restrain the development of tourism in the Zaporizhzhia region is, first of all, the military situation on the territory of Ukraine, which causes a negative impact due to the possibility of citizens leaving the country and, accordingly, the inability to travel, as well as a decrease in the number of incoming tourists. Analyzing the development of the tourism industry in the Zaporizhzhia region, it was emphasized that tourism is a sphere of the economy that unites almost all industries. That is why the economic factors of the external environment have a great influence on tourism in the region. Socio-cultural factors of the Zaporizhzhia region include many factors that directly affect tourism. The first is the demographic decline (low birth rate), which affects the increase in the number of tourists in the future. The demographic situation in the region is one of the most important social problems. The birth rate decreased by 9.04% in one year, while the death rate increased by 21.5%. Therefore, the death rate prevails over the birth rate. An important factor for tourism in the region is the level of urbanization, because the lifestyle in the city is different from that in the countryside. In large cities, the psychological burden on people increases, as a result of which there is a need for relaxation and rest. Rural residents, on the contrary, seek to expand their horizons, to see something new and unusual for themselves, so for this they go on trips to big cities. According to the data of the Main Department of Statistics of the Zaporizhzhia region, it can be seen that the number of the urban population somewhat prevails over the rural population. The number of people living in cities is up to 75% of the total population. And only 25% live in rural areas. The existing tourist potential of the region can be realized by implementing effective approaches to the development of the tourist and recreational sphere and property management of tourist and resort complexes.

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