
This teaching aid is intended for students to master the basic stages of genomic editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialties 31.08.30 "Genetics" and 31.08.06 "Laboratory genetics", as well as taking into account the professional standards of doctors the above specialties; scientific specialties 1.5.7. "genetics" and 3.3.8. "clinical laboratory diagnostics" in the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school The main purpose of this manual is to introduce students to the methods of genome editing, gain knowledge about the application of genomic editing for the treatment of hereditary diseases, acquire skills in the design of tools for genomic editing and assess the consequences of genomic editing at the level of a changed DNA locus. The manual is intended for residents in the above specialties, graduate students in scientific specialties 1.5.7. "genetics", 3.3.8. "clinical laboratory diagnostics", as well as for geneticists, laboratory geneticists and specialists in the field of clinical laboratory diagnostics when training them under advanced training programs. Published by the decision of the educational and methodological commission of the Institute of Higher and Additional Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Medical Genetic Research Center named after Academician N.P. Bochkov dated 23.09.2022

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