
Highly developed and modern transport and logistics systems are today’s key factors in the country's economic competitiveness. Roads, railways, inland waterways system, seaports, and airports contribute to the unification of different regions of the country, population centers and employment, as well as to international exchanges. Maintaining and improving efficient and effective transport and logistics infrastructures for the movement of people and goods continue to be the most important moments in today's national and global markets. This becomes especially important given the projected population growth and the inevitable drastic changes in the industry, energy (especially in the oil and gas sectors), and agricultural production. The movement of goods and the component of production between their producers, the growth of urban logistics, international supply chains, and logistics are already the place of a junction of such phenomena as the digital economy and new industries. It is necessary to say that in each final product, logistics ranges from 10% to 20%. The logistics costs vary greatly and can be a negligible component for purely digital products sent over the Internet, or up to 60%, for example, for oil. This article discusses logistics and mobility in the digital economy.

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