
The article raises a topical issue - the improvement of mobile fire-fighting equipment to extinguish fires on oil and oil products storage and processing facilities. During the analysis of fire at these facilities over five years it’s founded that the annual number of fires remains high. Despite the advances in science and technology, fire safety, oil and petroleum products storage facilities are the most dangerous and difficult to extinguish. To extinguish fires at these objects foam tenders are used, besides water tenders and pumpers, application of which is the most important while putting out large tanks. With greater importance in ensuring the security of storage facilities and processing of oil and oil products, foam extinguishing vehicles for many years remain substantially unchanged in its basic performance characteristics. In addition, the analysis of blowing agents in the Russian market led to the conclusion that the blowing agent market is now fairly saturated, and Russian producers without compromising the safety of objects can fully replace imported manufacturers. Most of the fires on oil and petroleum products storage facilities is extinguished using a mobile fire-fighting equipment and fire extinguishing agent is the main air-mechanical foam of low and medium ratio and there is a need to consider to create an innovative car foam extinguishing. The design of such a vehicle comprises feeding the fire to extinguish not only mechanical foam, and the foam structured silica particles. At the same time, the car is characterized by high permeability, increased supply of the pumping unit, the increased supply of extinguishing agent with the creation of three-time stock frother. The creation of such a vehicle would enhance the effectiveness of action fire departments to extinguish fires by improving the functionality and performance characteristics of the foam extinguishing vehicle that will also improve the fire safety of the objects under consideration.


  • With greater importance in ensuring the security of storage facilities and processing of oil and oil products, foam extinguishing vehicles for many years remain substantially unchanged in its basic performance characteristics

  • IMPROVEMENT OF FOAMY FIRE EXTINGUISHING TECHNOLOGYSHARAPOV S. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Institute, Research Institute for Advanced Research and Innovation in the Field of Health and Safety, Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia (Oktyabrskaya Quay, 35, Saint Petersburg, 193079, Russian Federation)

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