
In the article the analysed problems of development of small cities and ways of their overcoming. The Small cities are the most vulnerable category of administrative-territorial units and management their development requires from organs power of the self-weighted going near a management taking into account their features. The most sharp problems of development of small cities are certain in the spheres of financial resources, improvement of business and bringing in of investments, development of agriculture, transport, travelling economy and connection, education, medical service, housing and communal services and other spheres. Reasonably, that an initial moment for a strategic management innovative development of cities, forming of innovative strategies, their aims, structure and volume of further researches a concept «innovative project» is. Next determination is set forth : a «innovative project is an object of the real investing set to realization with the aim of introduction of achievements of scientific and technical progress in the economic or social sphere of development of city on the basis of estimation of техніко-економічної and financial information, that characterizes clearly and clear basic setting of innovative project. To the basic elements of innovative project it is taken an author: aims and tasks to development of cities that represent the basic setting of project are simply set forth; a complex of project events is in relation to the decision of innovative problem and realization of the put aims; organization of implementation of project events, id est binding of them to the resources and performers for the achievement of aims of project in a limit period of time and within the framework of the set cost and quality; the basic indexes of project (from having a special purpose - from a project on the whole, to partial - from separate tasks, themes, stages, events, performers), including indexes that characterize his efficiency. On the example of city of Goal Pier is educed problems and the prospects of development of small cities and essence of principles on the base of that it is necessary to form the mechanism of management territorial development are considered. Importance of economic mechanisms of perspective development of small cities, that grow due to the increase of role of organs of local self-government in connection with a transmission in the regions of many functions and plenary powers from a management socio-economic development that also exposes imperfection of legal base for the acceptance of effective administrative decisions, is certain. Drawn conclusion that taking into account a necessity and practical meaningfulness of revival of small cities in the conditions of decentralization an important value has creation of power local organs and by the state of principles for the effective use of resource potential of cities and realization of strategic management innovative processes. By priority directions here must be: realization of co-ordination of the programs of development of system competitive structures within the framework of forming of long-term innovative-investment politics; realization of modernisation of production capacities that form basic territorial innovative potential of city; conditioning is for the speed-up economy growing due to realization of innovative projects in all socio-economic spheres, that are based on application of innovative technologies and systems; forming of favourable innovative-investment environment is for the effective use of results of scientific research-and-developments; renewal and expansion are on qualitatively new basis of existent productive potential and strictly specialized enterprises.

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