
Introduction: the popularity of sharing mobility services explains their ability to resolve the “first-mile-last-mile” problems in a seamless transport system. The operation of these services is based on digital technologies, and this places high demands on the quality of such services due to the presence of traditional alternatives in the field of transportation. Ridesharing is a vivid example of such digital sharing services, tempting the companies interested in resolving transport problems to enter this market. Objectives: to explore the attitudes of ride-sharing services users to the quality of services by assessing the levels of loyalty and consumer satisfaction, as well as to develop proposals for improving the quality of relevant services. Methods: systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, expert assessments, sociological research. The study involved 290 respondents from Moscow and the Moscow region who use ridesharing at least once a year. To measure user loyalty to ridesharing services, the consumer loyalty index (Net Promoter Score, NPS) proposed by Frederick Reicheld was used. To assess user satisfaction, the Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) was used. Results: it has been revealed that the NPS is negative and amounted to –27.24 %; however, the CSI is estimated at 72.74 %. Loyalty drivers appear to be: (1) convenience, (2) price, (3) safety. The users’ greater satisfaction is the technical condition of cars, safety during the trip and its price. The users are less satisfied with the comfort during the trip, the time of trip registration, the time to register in the application. Conclusions: despite the negative level of loyalty, ridesharing is a promising direction for the development of mobility services, since the quality determinants that affect the loyalty level can be improved by raising the quality of sharing services and the possibility of influencing the processes for which low satisfaction has been identified.

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