
Research of scientists in the field of development of artistic and creative activity is considered. The artistic and creative activity is described as a complex, multicultural formation, an expression of the activity of the individual. It is stated that in the process of artistic activity the creative abilities of the person are developed and formed. It is proved that artistic and creative activity refers to a specific kind of activity and is considered in two planes: activity that finds expression in the creation of works of art, in their creative execution, which ultimately relies on the ability, which provides the process of perception and causes different in power and depth of feeling, promotes creative imagination, creates imagination, stimulates and directs the activity itself. The level of ability to artistic creativity determines the readiness of the individual for artistic and creative activity. The basic concepts of artistic and creative activity are outlined: biological, psychoanalytic, game theory, labor theory, magic theory. The artistic and creative activity is characterized as a system in which work, cognition, communication, human values are connected. The artistic and creative activity combines all kinds of human activity, in which the energies of cognitive, transformative, value-orientation and communication activities intersect and merge. The unity of which the image stands. It is determined that the development of artistic and creative potential of the student's personality depends on the creation of an atmosphere of creativity, openness, and positiveness in the institution of higher education. Effective conditions of formation of artistic and creative potential of future specialists are determined: stimulation of development of artistic and creative potential of a person by, creation of necessary environment; application of effective methods and forms of organization of artistic and creative activity; high level of development of artistic and creative potential of the personality of the teacher of higher education institution, his humanistic culture.

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