
The theory and practice of training specialists in higher education institutions with specific learning conditions at the present stage of development of Ukraine poses the task of modernizing the civil defense system. The purpose of the article is to review the definitions of vocational training, higher education institutions with specific learning conditions and other concepts that make up the conceptual andcategorical apparatus of research. Systematizing the views of teacher educators shows that the problem of professional training of civil defense workers is a complex multifaceted system based on a number of principles, in particular, continuity of education, integrativeness, fundamentalization, humanization, independence, which enables the specialty of internship, using self-creativity. In today’s society, there is a need to move to a new model of training specialists in higher education institutions with specific learning conditions. This means, first, thathigher education institutions are obliged to prepare a specialist for an active life and successful communication. Second, consider changing personal values, ideals, and often the goals of the job seeker’s training. Thirdly, it is necessary to develop the creative potential of the future specialist. To solve the problems outlined in the article, we used a set of interrelated research methods, including historical-systematic, search-bibliographic, comparative, targeted and their generalization. The conducted research proves that training of specialists in higher educational establishments with specific conditions of education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for professional activity should be based onthe principles of advanced training. It is proposed to further develop recommendations on the system of self-education and distance learning of future civil protection workers.

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