
Introduction . Rapid technological progress and new global trends in the communicative approach to teaching foreign languages have significantly contributed to the popularization of the case method as an interactive method of teaching business English. Despite the large number of works on the case method, it has not received sufficient coverage in the problem of the application in the process of teaching English to students of non-language specialties . The purpose of the article is to provide an analysis of the peculiarities of the application of the case method in the process of teaching English to students of non-language specialties. To achieve this goal, the following research methods are used: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, generalization, synthesis and formulation of conclusions. Results. The approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concept "case method" are analyzed. Analysis of the theoretical literature has helped to define "case method" as the method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific, real situations. The stages and principles of case design, its structural components, and types are considered. The article states that due to the great variety of types of cases, as well as approaches to their classification, cases can be developed depending on the goals and objectives set by a teacher. It is described that important condition for the successful implementation of the case method in teaching English at non-linguistic specialties is the consistent organization of educational activities and careful selection of materials for cases requiring serious preparation by a teacher and taking into account the level of students’ communication skills. The overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of the investigated method application has made it possible to substantiate the importance of the method as an effective tool for the formation of professional competence in the studying of English and the development of students’ research, communication, and creative skills. Originality . The scientific originality of the research results is based on the fact that the case-study method has a positive impact on the professionalization of students forming interest and strong motivation to learn a foreign language . It is emphasized that when using the analyzed method of teaching, the end result is not so important as the process of its finding, because in this process the student's skills to communicate in a foreign language within professional situations are developing. Particular attention is drawn to the potential of the case method and its complexity. Conclusion . The research has shown that the use of the case method in the process of teaching English contributes to the development of the students’ ability to think critically, adequately assess the situation, make quick decisions, improving communication skills increasing students' interest in a foreign language by considering specific business situations related to real life. Further research is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the use of interactive methods in the process of teaching English in non-language specialties.

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