
Purpose. The purpose and objective of the study is to develop an algorithm for the organizational design of the garrison of the city fire department. Methods. The methodological basis of the study is the existing theory of modeling fire services. So far, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, there have been no studies on the development of scientifically based standards for the design of fire fighting units. Results. According to the above algorithm for determining the required number of fire trucks, fire depots and personnel, it was established that with an average time to the place of a call in 3 minutes, a large number of fire departments will be required to ensure the fire safety of the city. At the same time, on average, one unit will have from 3 to 10 visits per year, which is not economically feasible. The optimal travel time to the place of call in cities should be on average 7 minutes, and 14 minutes for a settlement. The maximum travel time to the call site will be 18 minutes in cities and rural areas 28 minutes, which will be economically viable. Scope of scientific results. The obtained results can be used in the development of regulatory acts in the field of design of fire fighting units of cities and settlements, as well as local executive bodies and authorized bodies in the field of fire safety in the development of appropriate management decisions on the design of fire services. Conclusion. The analysis of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of design of fire-fighting units showed that these norms are borrowed in the boundary camps and do not have scientific justification. In order to improve the fire safety of cities and towns of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of the country, the most optimal time to the call site in cities is determined, which is 7 minutes.


  • The purpose and objective of the study is to develop an algorithm for the organizational design of the garrison

  • there have been no studies on the development of scientifically based standards

  • The obtained results can be used in the development of regulatory acts

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