
The article is devoted to the problems of higher education reform. The need to modernize the vocational education system has been emphasized. The author analyzes the conditions of engineers-teachers’ training and draws attention to the need to improve their engineering component. The production and technological activity of the engineering component is singled out as a basis for building a system of training for the bachelor of food profile. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance of production and technological training for engineering and pedagogical staff of the food technology industry in pedagogical institutions of higher education. The author draws attention to modern requirements for engineering and pedagogical staff and the contradictions that arise in the process of production training of future teachers of vocational training. The article highlights the author’s own vision of ways to improve the professional training of bachelors in food profile. The influence of production and technological training of future teachers of vocational training on their further employment has been analyzed. According to the author, the improvement of production and technological training of students will help graduates to carry out quality teaching activities in vocational and professional higher education institutions in the future. The article analyzes the impact of the legal framework on improving the learning conditions of vocational education students. Special emphasis is placed on the ideas and views of the development of the dual form of learning. The peculiarities of the educational process of bachelors’ training in the field of food technologies in pedagogical universities are specified. A comparison of the conditions of production and technological training of bachelors in pedagogical and technical educational institutions has been made. It is concluded that there are significant differences, but at the same time similarity in the requirements for the final results of training, because graduates of engineering and pedagogical faculties have double qualifications and have the right to work not only in educational institutions but also in food industry enterprises as technicians-technologists. The key components of the efficiency of production and technological training and the main obstacles that occur in the way of mastering professional activities by bachelors have been identified. The necessity of constant modernization of educational and methodical complexes of special disciplines, elements of online learning and advanced training of teachers at industrial enterprises has been proved. Special attention should be paid to students’ skills in solving simulated production situations that may arise in future professional activities and the ability to work with regulatory and technical documentation during the organization of laboratory and practical work and internships.

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