
The article describes the competitive policy of the enterprise as a policy aiming at internal and external environment. The subject of competition policy and the main objects are identified, including competitors (current and potential), suppliers, consumers and public authorities. It is established that the means to influence the objects of competition policy are chosen by enterprises during public-private interaction. It is determined that public-private interaction should be understood as the relationship of enterprises and other economic entities with the authorities, administrative and economic management and control, local governments and other public entities, in the needed economic activity. It is established that broad understanding of "enterprise competition policy" concept means a policy aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises, achieving competitive advantage, while developing and protecting competition, the ability to influence the behavior of other market participants. The purpose of the implementation of competition policy by enterprises is to ensure the competitive development of enterprises, which is used to each object of competition policy. An enterprise that implements competition policy not only protects and develops competition in the markets, but also receives its own advantages that arise as the competitive relations’ participants’ motivation to competitive behavior. It was found that only some companies consider that competitive behavior is either a part of business reputation on the market, or ethics of interaction with consumers, suppliers and competitors, and are aware of the risks that may occur in the case of divergence from competitive development. It is determined that enterprises prefer to implement competition policy when trying to build their own business reputation with the help of competitive and conscientious means, by minimizing the risk of losing their position due to illegal competition in the market. The formation and implementation of competition policy, aimed at both internal and external environment of the company, provides an opportunity to maintain and develop existing competition in the markets, thereby ensuring the effect of competition laws in the markets. Enterprises can choose the means of influencing various objects of competition policy when interacting with the public sphere.

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