
The main technological aspects of the production of building ceramics are given. Based on the analysis of literary sources, a comprehensive assessment of the feasibility of using construction ceramic waste as a secondary raw material for the production of new building materials was carried out. Based on the research of modern scientists, it has been established that the waste from the scrap of building ceramics is suitable for use as an aggregate, partial replacement of cement and a reactive additive in concretes and mortars. When using scrap of con-struction ceramics as an aggregate, it is recommended to limit the substitution of natural aggregate at the level of 20-30%, together using various additives: plasticizing and improving rheotechnological and physico-mechanical properties of concrete. Finely ground waste from brick scrap has pozzolan activity and, when used as a reactive additive or partial replacement of cement in concretes and mortars, up to 20-25% can improve the structure of cement stone, increase strength, reduce macroporosity and penetration of chloride ions, and increase sul-fate resistance. This kind of binder is prone to a later set of strength compared to Portland cement. In addition, the waste of building ceramics can be used in the production of alkali-activated cements and slag-alkali binders, as well as s raw materials for the production of new bricks or the construction of road surface bases. It has been revealed that the production of building materials and products based on con-struction ceramics waste is a promising direction for the development of construction production. It is possible not only to obtain materials of equal quality to products based on natural raw materials, but also with improved characteristics.

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