
The article provides comparative analysis of the forms, methods, means of the future specialists of pre-school education preparation at the universities of Ukraine and Poland to realization of media education for children and their parents. The achievements of Polish higher educational institutions have been shown: the study of courses “Media Pedagogics”, “Media in Education” the main forms of teaching, these subjects are lectures, practical classes, conversations, master classes; methods –interactive, project, demonstration of films on the formation of media literacy; analysis of media products for the pre-schoolers. The achievements of the Ukrainian pedagogical science have been highlighted, in particular the development of the complex of professionally oriented technologies for the formation of readiness of the future kindergartners for the use of media education. The focus is on the activity of the Academy of Ukrainian Press in forming the readiness of kindergartners, university teachers for media education, in particular organization of summer schools and the publication of the necessary literature. Author’s interpretation of the concept “Media Education in the Establishment of Pre-School Education” has been proposed. The results of experimental researches in Poland and Ukraine have been presented. The necessity of providing system character of media education has been proved. The possibilities of using positive ideas in the field of media education at higher and pre-school educational institutions have been substantiated: the continuous nature of study of topics on the formation of pre-school children media literacy at universities; development of didactic-methodical support of media education; carrying out master-classes on the media topics at pre-school age. The ways of prevention of media threats for children through the organization of parental media education, improvement of training for its implementation have been determined. The necessity to use traditional media, namely books, children’s press together with modern ones has been emphasized. The expediency of studying the experience of national and foreign institutions of pre-school education, which implement individually developed media education programs for children, has been shown. The attention has been focused on the “Preschooler in the Media World” program.

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