
Aim. The aim of the work is to determine the planned position on the modern space image of the destroyed castle in Zvenigorod, Lviv region and its infrastructure facilities according to archival maps of 18–19 centuries. Method. One of the possible technological schemes for research is offered. The analysis of the realized projects of similar character and in particular, concerning Zvenigorodsky castle is executed. The first stage of the work was to perform geometric correction of input graphics. Geometric correction included the transformation of input graphic data, namely: a space image of Zvenigorod, obtained from the GeoEye-1 satellite in 2017, an archival map vonMiga of the 18th century, a Polish archival map of the 18th century, an archeological research plan under the LODA project. When transforming archival maps, the maximum UPC was 6 pixels or 4.3 dead on the ground. The maximum root mean square error of transformation of modern graphic materials was 1 pixel or 0.5 m off-road. All materials were transformed into MapInfo in the internal orthogonal projection of the Plan-Scheme/Meters program. From archival maps of the 18th century. and from the topographic plan of archeological researches the infrastructure objects of Zvenigorod Castle and the adjacent territory were vectorized. A comparative analysis of vectorized objects based on different time materials was performed. It has been determined that the data of archeological researches differ somewhat from the objects marked on the archival maps, possibly due to the generalization of the maps. But in any case, these objects can not be discarded in further radiometric studies of the area. Results. As a result of the research, a thematic model of a 1:2000 scale photographic plan was created, based on a transformed space image obtained from the GeoEye-1 satellite in 2017. data from the modern topographic plan. Practical value. The obtained results can be used by the museum of the historical and cultural reserve “Ancient Zvenigorod”. These data will be used in the future to determine the vertical displacements of the castle on the basis of radar space images and georadar surveys.

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