
The current research aims to identify: 1. Opposites Thoughts Among Middle School Students 2. Differences in Opposites Thoughts Among Middle School Students According to Gender and Specialization Variables To achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers relied on the following: 1.The Use of the Descriptive Associative Approach to Detect Opposites Thoughts Among Middle School Students. 2. Contrasting ideas scale based on Tent's theory of opposites thoughts. The scale in its final form consisted of (35) items after completing the conditions of honesty, stability, discriminatory strength, and internal consistency, distributed into three areas (the student's relationship with teachers, the student's relationship with the family, the student's relationship with colleagues). To complement that, the researchers applied the scale to a sample of (400) male and female students in the center’s schools affiliated to the General Directorate of Al-Qadisiyah Education, and it was selected by stratified random method according to the proportional method. After data collection and processing statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), the following results were reached: 1. Preparatory students are characterized by opposites thoughts and they are statistically significant. 2.There are statistically significant differences in opposites thoughts according to the gender variable, where males are characterized by opposites thoughts more than females, and for the specialization variable, the difference between students with scientific and literary specialization is not statistically significant. To complement the findings of the research, the researchers made several recommendations, including: • Benefiting from the scale of opposites thoughts in the educational and professional fields after its codification and preparation as an objective tool to identify the characteristics of opposites thoughts among individuals. Emphasis on the methods of socialization of individuals in educational institutions in order to develop information processing skills to encourage opposites thoughts. The researchers made several suggestions, including: • Conducting practical studies dealing with opposites thoughts with the analytical method, problem solving and information processing. • Working on the application of scientific programs by carrying out empirical research to modify many variables, such as modifying the use of ready-made ideas to opposites thoughts. Keywords: opposites thoughts, middle school students.

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