
Annotation. Introduction. The economic crisis, the acceleration of the scientific and technical process are forcing young entrepreneurs to look for new ways to make a profit and save time. The sale of goods under this scheme is gaining popularity in Ukraine. We considered marketplace for the sale of goods under the drop shipping scheme Purpose. The purpose of this article is to determining the relevance and feasibility of this business model. Develop Ukrainian marketplaces and access Ukrainian products to the world market by placing advertisements on world search sites and introducing delivery from abroad. Results. The article explores the realities and identifies prospects for the development of drop shipping system in Ukraine. It is noted that drop shipping act as one of the popular business model. It was investigated advantages and disadvantage. It was created comparative description of drop shipping with the production of goods was made. Dropshipping is a good start for developing your own business and entering the world market. This type of business can be easily implemented both in Ukraine and in cooperation with other countries. The rapid development of technology gives impetus to the implementation of e-commerce through the sale of goods by the method of dropshipping around the world. An example of a world-famous platform for the sale of goods is considered Conclusion. Drop shipping is promising for starting your own business. It does not require significant capital investment. There is a possibility of further development in the field of product promotion. The sale of goods under the dropshipping system is promising for development on a global scale for domestic sites. The tool for realizing this perspective is to attract more foreign consumers and promote Ukrainian goods and brands. Keywords: drop shipping; manufacturer; implementation; operation; modernization; business.


  • We considered marketplace for the sale of goods under the drop shipping scheme

  • It is noted that drop shipping act as one of the popular business model

  • It was investigated advantages and disadvantage. It was created comparative description of drop shipping with the production of goods was made

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У процесі дослідження розглянуто сутність та особливості розвитку дропшипінгу в Україні. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки реалізації продукції за системою дропшипінг. Сформовано схему здійснення продажу товарів за системою дропшипінг. Розглянуто форми та напрями реалізації для здійснення продажу товарів за схемою дропшипінгу. Запропоновано здійснювати розвиток українських маркетплейсів на основі виходу українських продуктів на світовий ринок шляхом розміщення реклами на світових пошукових сайтах та запровадження доставлення із-за кордону. Що дропшипінг є успішним стартом для розвитку власної справи та виходу на світовий ринок. Lunkina Tеtiana, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine. The sale of goods under this scheme is gaining popularity in Ukraine. We considered marketplace for the sale of goods under the drop shipping scheme. Develop Ukrainian marketplaces and access Ukrainian products to the world market by placing advertisements on world search sites and introducing delivery from abroad

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