
The article deals with the definition of features of multimedia creative projects as a form of students’ independent work and a factor of their professional socialization. The result of the study was the identification of the differences between the creative project and creative work. These differences are the timing of implementation; the number and complexity of tasks; the planned result; the competencies that are formed by students in the process of implementing a creative project; the multimedia technologies used in the project, etc. The article offers a list of stages that are typical for a multimedia creative project, in particular, planning; choice of multimedia technologies and tools; project implementation; presentation of project components in classroom sessions or consultations; protection of the project. The article highlightes the interrelation of multimedia creative projects with lessons in the classroom, as well as defines the features of the use of multimedia technologies in creative projects. Particular attention is paid to the toolkit (computer programs and Internet resources), which students can use when doing creative projects. The list of recommended Internet resources is given, which are useful for students and teachers when creating multimedia creative projects. The author has identified the indicators of students’ professional socialization in the performance of multimedia creative projects, in particular, getting students modern knowledge about programs and technologies that can be used to create multimedia creative projects; the acquisition by students of the skills of using Internet resources in order to create multimedia creative projects; the formation of professional student portfolios that can be used in the process of job search; demonstration of skills of work with modern computer technologies.

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