
The modern global world is characterized by dynamism, virtuality, speed and individualization. Graduates of higher education institutions need to be ready for ever-changing trends in society and the labor market. The processes of globalization and integration present a person with the need to constantly be ready for movements in the social space, to flexibly interact with various cultural and social systems and subjects. Responding to the demands of the times, higher education inevitably changes, actualizing the problems of development in the future of social and professional mobility. We understand socio-professional mobility as a set of abilities and personal qualities of a specialist that allow us to act effectively in a constantly changing professional environment, to be socially and professionally active, competitive, and professionally competent. Abilities and personal qualities (initiative, creativity, social and professional activity, ability to take risks, self-organization, independence, volitional self-control, determination, self-confidence, openness to new things) that make up the socio-professional mobility of the future specialist are determined. In our opinion, one of the conditions for the development of social and professional mobility of a future specialist is studio-centered training. Student-centered learning is a modern philosophy of educational activity, an important principle of organizing educational activities of a higher school. Orientation of higher education on the personality of the student makes it possible to increase the quality of the higher education system, to prepare a competitive specialist in the modern labor market with flexible creative thinking, proactive, stimulates him to responsible learning, develops social and professional mobility. Elective disciplines are an "indicator" of the introduction of an individual educational trajectory of a student of higher education, one of the mechanisms for improving the quality of professional training, developing the social and professional mobility of a future specialist.

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