
The article is dedicated to the foreign and domestic practice of using the latest information technologies in the process of ensuring humanitarian security by public authorities. According to the author one of the most pressing problems of public administration in modern Ukraine is the issue of creation, support and continuous modernization of the process of digitization of public services in the interests of the person while simultaneously ensuring the security of the person and his personal data as well as the realization of his vital interests. The relevance of the chosen topic of the article is due to the fact that the concept of state power based on the digitization of public services for the effective implementation of their interests has emerged in developed countries and is of interest to Ukrainian analysts and practitioners.The article describes the importance of the latest information technologies for the implementation of e-Government and the advantages of their application in modern public-management practice in comparison with the traditional mechanisms of public administration. The article states that in many countries of the world e-government has originated and evolved in different ways but there is a certain pattern in the way of considering the emergence and evolution of e-government. The article describes the essence of the three stages of the emergence and development of e-governance:Stage 1 - the informational presence of government authorities on the Internet at a basic level - is the creation of separate websites of government agencies, but their quality was still not high: the websites were rarely updated, had no feedback, and the information was fragmented and unstructured.Stage 2 - the stage of interaction with more feedback via e-mail, forums and other means of communication as well as with developing databases for processing citizens' requests. Replenishment of sites with new information is becoming more regular. Thus the involvement of citizens and businesses in interaction with government bodies is gradually beginning.Stage 3 - transactional interaction when it becomes possible to communicate directly in real time as well as the ability to carry out monetary transactions (for example, pay bills or state fees) using payment cards. There is the possibility of creating a personal account and passing the appropriate authentication.The article also describes the American, European, Eastern and Ukrainian models of the process of digitalization of public administration. Thus the European model has an emphasis on the unity of the nation and therefore it is characterized by the standardization of all processes, orientation on the citizen, his protection and powerful legal regulation of relations in the field of IT. In particular, it is common for the European model of electronic governance to pay great attention to the integration of the European community and the protection of the personal interests of the person. The EU considers investments in IT as investments primarily in society and so in preserving the heritage of Europe.Anglo-American, or Western model is common respectively in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. This model is characterized by the exclusion of excessive state functions, focus on high efficiency, a high level of opportunities for financial transactions via the Internet and a general consideration of a citizen not as an equal partner but as a customer to be serviced that is a service approach is used. In general, the Anglo-American model is based on respect and attentiveness to citizens, the elimination of duplicate or excessive functions and efficiency as well as providing the ability to carry out the maximum number of monetary transactions related to obtaining public services via the Internet.The Eastern or Asian e-government model is based on the Asian type of multi-level hierarchy of the management system. The Ukrainian model of digitalisation of the process of public administration is at the stage of its formation.The author concludes that Ukraine is still in the first stage of the deployment public administration digitalization but in terms of technological progress we already have the prerequisites for moving to the second stage, however the public sector is always slightly behind the private sector in adopting and implementing innovations.

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