
In this article substantiates and discloses the mechanisms for regulating the development of fisheries and the tools at the progressive development of the business entities involved in the industry are aimed. Regulatory measures and adaptation of basic methods and regulatory principles, levers and measures have a direct impact on the development of fisheries in order to be successful inachiev-ing solutions to food and national security issues in conditions of extraordinary challenges it is sub-stantiated. The article proposes levers and measures for fisheries with the aim of providing methodical assistance in implementing the adaptation of the auction procedure. It was concluded that the intro-duction into practice of transparent elements of the very mechanism of distribution of the available national resource, as well as the creation of basic conditions for economic competition among busi-ness entities in the field of fishing industry, is an important step in the direction of providing and de-veloping proposals for conducting auctions for the sale of the right to contract contracts for the right to special use of aquatic biological resources in fishery reservoirs or their parts. In the work, an in-depth constant analysis is made and it is suggested to take into account the tools for the use of elec-tronic trading. It has been proven that approval of the appropriate form of a standard contract is also required in order to confirm the right to special use of aquatic biological resources in fishery water bodies or their parts. The proposed tools in order for the assumptions proposed in the article to be in demand and be actually implemented, it is important to improve the administrative and legal method of state regulation and to adopt, in particular, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine based on the results of the discussed recommendations. It is indicated that this document would con-tribute to the granting of the right to admit new entities of economic activity to obtain almost all op-portunities and rights for the special use of aquatic biological resources. Ways to modernize the ad-ministrative and legal method of regulation through the mechanism of conducting auctions for the sale of the right to special use of aquatic biological resources and determining the starting price of a lot of aquatic biological resources are proposed. It was concluded that Ukraine currently has all the basic arguments to provide analytical data for the justification of proposals for state regulation of the devel-opment of the fishery industry in Ukraine, where the main place should be the protection of economic entities in the field of fisheries, as well asthe rapid development of the domestic agro-food market and ensuring conditions for compliance with economic competition specifically for industrial fishermen in conditions of extraordinary challenges and global transformational processes

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